Landscaping styles are an important part of a well designed home. The first thing that you look for when looking to build a new house is what sort of design you want the house to be. Style is more than just about what colors you choose for paint. It also includes elements such as the size and location of the house, the type of materials to be used, and how much light your home gets. There is a huge array of different styles, but there are just two main Craigieburn Landscaping styles that I would suggest you keep in mind.
The first style I would suggest you avoid is the Antler style. It makes sense that if you are going to use antlers as a material, then you are looking for something that looks a little peculiar, and not necessarily traditional. Unfortunately, the antler styles are usually made from live or dead antlers. So while the artistic beauty of the antler piece may be there, it will also frequently be covered up by a thick covering of pine needles, which can make your home look worse off than it is.
The second style I would suggest you avoid is the Cabin style. For some reason, this is the type of Landscaping style that people seem to like the most. While I think it is a beautiful design, it is very hard to keep clean. If you don’t mind living with a house full of stains and mold, then it might be a good option for you.
As far as materials go, I would recommend you stick to non-toxic products. Be very careful about using any kind of paints that contain lead, because lead can leech into the soil. Also, avoid any kind of metal. Glass is always a good choice. Make sure to place screens on vents, and always keep a close eye on young children. Landscaping is a big responsibility, so if you are not confident in your abilities, you should consider hiring a professional Landscaping service.
A third style I would like to mention is the Islander style. If you are looking for a more “private” look, this might be a good choice for you. Landscaping in this style involves taking advantage of an island, or canal near your house. Think of how you might position your house in order to gain access to the natural setting. This might require some digging, but it is a quick way to change your Landscaping style.
Your final decision, Landscaping style number four, is influenced by your budget. You can always remodel your house in this style, and create something completely unique. However, this is a more expensive way to go. If your budget is limited, or you just want to remodel, you can use pre-fabricated homes or modular houses. These look very much like standard houses, and are easy to move.