The two most widely used methods of foundation repair companies in birmingham alabama in residential areas are slab cutting and foundation drilling. This is information on both methods. Slabjacks also known as concrete lifting is an extremely common foundation repair technique for homes which are built on a solid concrete slab (rather than a below grade basement). In essence, flapjacks or concrete flotation is performed by removing individual slabs of concrete on the foundation wall and then replacing them in a new position to stabilize the entire foundation.
Foundation Drilling is another foundation repair method. Drilling holes into the foundation will allow workmen to gain access to the interior of the structure. Drilling can also be done later when the weather conditions change and water is absorbed differently. Drilling holes can also help with foundation repair if the ground is uneven or contains many small cracks. Sometimes just leveling the area out with a spade will do the trick, but if your foundation repair methods include this step, then it is good to have holes taken before you put in new concrete.
One of the most commonly used foundation repair methods involves steel piles. In order to install steel piles of poured concrete, you must first create a base of either soil or gravel. A hole or slit is first dug to fit the steel posts or piles into. The soil or gravel is then poured over the posts and then tamped over the steel while it sets. It is important to have the steel posts firmly anchored to the soil or gravel base. Pouring concrete in a different manner can lead to problems like settling and shifting over time.
Foundation Repair Methods using Steel Piers The most commonly used steel piers are called helical piers or helical piles. They consist of steel posts or stacks that are placed in helical fashion along a walkway, patio or other area. Because they form the basis for foundation repair methods, they must be firmly anchored in the soil or else they will shift and cause foundation damage. When using steel piers as foundation repair methods, it is important to anchor them using steel wedges, so that the posts will not move while the piers are in place. For smaller patios and walkways, steel wedges can be used individually, but larger decks or stairs requiring multiple piers should use steel piers that are installed together.
Another foundation repair technique uses steel pipes called steel piles. This method requires a structural engineer to verify that the piles are firmly planted into the soil. Once the soil is tested, the structural engineer can determine the best location for the steel pipes. Using steel pipes is an effective method because it has the advantage of being flexible. However, when choosing where to place the pipes, it is important to ensure that the site is stable.
Dry excavations are another option when repairing foundations. Dry excavations are in the process of removing the soil layers, while removing any excess debris or piers from the walls. Once the dirt is removed, a machine or system is used to deposit the required amount of footing material at the bottom of the holes. The footing then creates a firm base for any future repairs to take place. Most foundations need some form of structural support, which is why dry excavations are used for repairs in most cases.